
Angkasa Bukan Hampa Gas Sains&Al-Quran

 Einstein pernah berkata,"Alam tidak berjalan dengan sendiri tetapi ada kuasa mutlak yang mengawalnya."
 Abu Nasir Al-Farabi adalah ilmuwan Islam pertama yang melakukan uji kaji mengenai kewujudan hampa gas pada abad ke-9 Masihi.Sebelumitu,pelbagai teori dan andaian telah diutarakan oleh manusia mengenai ruang vakum yang mana kebanyakkannya mengatakan keadaan itu hanya wujud di luar Bumi,yakni di angkasa raya.
Berdasarkan kepada catatan sejarah,terdapat banyak pertikaian di kalangan ilmuwan kuno mengenai kewujudan ruang hampa gas ini.Falsafah Yunani misalnya agak sukar untuk mengakui wujudnya keadaan hampa gas kerana ahli-ahli falsafahnya lebih cenderung mengandaikan setiap ruang pada asasanya mempunyai isi padu dan jisim.

Antara individu terawal yang teguh berdiri di belakang teori itu ialah Plato.Beliau percaya bahawa semua benda fizikal merupakan kejadian platonik abstrak yang ideal.Malah,Plato sendiri tidak dapat membayangkan bagaimana bentuk unggul bagi ruang vakum yang sebenarnya.

Begitu juga dengan Aristotle yang menganggap penciptaan hampa gas adalah mustahil-dengan kata lainnya,ruang kosong itu tidak boleh ditakrifkan menjadi sesuatu.Baginya,setiap ruang yang wujud di cakerawala ini mempunyai tekanan dan itu membawa maksud wujudnya jisim.Apa yang membezakanya hanyalah tahap tekanan yang tinggi atau rendah sahaja.

Bagaimanapun,menjelang awal abad pertama Masihi,hakikat itu mula berubah apabila masyarakat Yunani mula percaya ruang vakum itu boleh wujud.Namun,keadaan di luar kosmos sahaja,tetapi tidak di Bumi.

Di blok Timur,ilmuwan Islam turut mempunyai pelbagai pandangan mengenai perkara ini.Ada yang bersetuju dengan teori hampa gas di luar kasmos manakala ada juga pihak yang menolaknya.Perdebatan itu telah mencetuskan beberapa siri uji kaji kecil,namun kewujudan hampa gas secara sempurna di kosmos terlalu sukar untuk dibuktikan.

Isaac Newton(1642-1727) beliau pernah berkata "Jangan kamu ragu terhadap Tuhan pencipta,kerana menurut penelitiannya berdasarkan kepada pergerakan bintang-bintang yang ada sekarang,pergerakan itu tidak mungkin terjadi semata-mata daripada perbuatan tarik-menarik antara satu planet dengan planet lain,tentu ada kuasa lain yang Maha Kuasa yang mengaturkan perjalanannya tanpa terjadi sebarang pelanggaran"

Pada abad ke-17 dan ke-18,teori ruang kosmos adalah vakum kembali menjadi pertikaian.Ini kerana,hali sains mulai mempertikaikan tentang sifat cahaya yang sepatutnya bergerak dan bergantung pada kewujudan bahan perantara.Dengan kata lain,cahaya tidak mampu untuk bergerak dalam keadaan vakum.

Sehinggalah pada tahun 1912,pakar kaji bintang Henry Pickering Mengesahkan ruang kosmos sebenarnya terisi dengan molekul yang bergas.Perkara itu kemudiannya telah berjaya dibuktikan secara saintifik oleh Paul Dirac pada tahun 1930.

Stephen William Hawking(1942-kini) banyak memberi sumbangan beliau terhadap fizik adalah dalam kosmologi,lubang hitam,fizik kuantum,kerelatifan dan kuasar.Henry Schaefer saintis kimia kuantum mengatakan,"Hawking seorang ahli fizik terkenal abad ini belum memenagi Hadiah Nobel".Walaupun namanya pernah dicadangkan untuk memenangi hadiah nobel,sehingga kini tidak dapat pengiktirafan.Ini disebabkan unsur ketuhanan yang dimasukkan dalam kajian saintifiknya.Semasa membincangkan teori Letupan Besar,beliau berkata:

"Walaupun sains boleh menyelesaikan persoalan bagaimana alam terjadi,tetapi sains tidak dapat menjawab kenapa alam perlu wujud.Tuhan sahaja yang dapat menjawab persoalan ini"

Di sebalik pelbagai teori yang diutarakan oleh manusia,Al-Quran juga turut menyentuh tentang perkara ini.Menurut pensyarah di Pusat Pengajian Umum Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM),Prof.Madya.Dr Arip Kasmo,Al-Quran telah menyedarkan kita bahawa di samping penciptaan langit dan Bumi, Allah juga telah mencipata ruang di antara kedua-duanya.

Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah memberi kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) tujuh ayat yang diulang-ulang bacaannya dan seluruh Al-Quran yang amat besar kemuliaan dan faedahnya.
(Al-Hijr 15:87) | <Embed> | English Translation

"Apa yang ada di langit dan di Bumi,segala yang wujud antara kedua-duanya dan semua yang ada di bawah tanah,semuanya kepunyaan Allah."(Surah Thoha;ayat 6)

Dan (ingatlah) tiadalah Kami mencipta langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya itu, melainkan dengan cara yang sungguh layak dan berhikmat; dan sesungguhnya hari kiamat itu tetap akan datang; oleh itu biarkanlah (golongan kafir yang mendustakanmu itu wahai Muhammad) serta layanlah mereka dengan cara yang elok.
(Al-Hijr 15:85) | <Embed> | English Translation
We created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them, but for just ends. And the Hour is surely coming (when this will be manifest). So overlook (any human faults) with gracious forgiveness.

Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya, dalam enam masa, kemudian Ia bersemayam di atas Arasy, Ialah Ar-Rahman (Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah); maka bertanyalah akan hal itu kepada Yang Mengetahuinya.
(Al-Furqaan 25:59) | <Embed> | English Translation
He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between, in six days, and is firmly established on the Throne (of Authority): Allah Most Gracious: ask thou, then, about Him of any acquainted (with such things). 

(Ingatlah), tidaklah Kami menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya melainkan dengan ada gunanya yang benar dan dengan ada masa penghujungnya yang tertentu (yang padanya dijalankan pembalasan); dan orang-orang yang kafir berpaling dari menerima peringatan yang diberikan kepada mereka mengenainya.
(Al-Ahqaaf 46:3) | <Embed> | English Translation
We created not the heavens and the earth and all between them but for just ends, and for a Term Appointed: But those who reject Faith turn away from that whereof they are warned.

Tuhan (yang mencipta dan mentadbirkan keadaan) langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya; kalau betul kamu orang-orang yang yakin (akan hakikat itu, maka terimalah sahaja apa yang diutuskan kepada kamu).
(Ad-Dukhaan 44:7) | <Embed> | English Translation
The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all between them, if ye (but) have an assured faith.

Dan tidaklah Kami menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya, secara main-main;
(Ad-Dukhaan 44:38) | <Embed> | English Translation
We created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them, merely in (idle) sport: 

Tidaklah Kami menciptakan keduanya (serta segala yang ada di antaranya) melainkan kerana menzahirkan perkara-perkara yang benar; akan tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui (hakikat itu).
(Ad-Dukhaan 44:39) | <Embed> | English Translation
We created them not except for just ends: but most of them do not understand. 

 Berdasarkan kepada ayat ini,kata Dr.Arip,Allah telah menerangkan kepada kita bahawa di antara langit dan Bumi itu sebenarnya terdapat sesuatu yang tidak dijangka oleh manusia.Secara kiasan kita boleh menganggap apa yang dinyatakan di sini merupakan unsur-unsur tertentu yang mengisi ruang kosong tersebut.

Jelas Dr.Arip lagi,sains pada hari ini mengesahkan ruang-ruang antara bintang dan galaksi(intersteller space) mengandungi unsur-unsur tertentu.Ia dikenali  sebagai interstelller matter dan intersteller radiaton field.Unsur terpenting yang memenuhi ruang ini adalah gas,termasuk plasma dan habuk kosmik.

Kesemua unsur-unsur ini wujud dalam bentuk ataom,molekul,cahaya,radiasi dan yang seumpama dengannya.Adapun gas-gas yang wujud itu 90% daripadanya adalah hidrogen manakala selebihnya adalah helium.Daripada gas-gas inilah lahirnya bintang-bintang serta galaksi-galaksi baru.

Dalam abad ini,isu mengenai angkasa raya semakin hangat diperbincangkan terutamanya apabila melibatkan bintang dan galaksi,unsur apa pula yang menyebabkan wujudnya tarikan graviti secara seimbang?

Setakat ini,saintis hanya menyatakan ia sebagai materi gelap atau pun dark matters.Bagaimanapun,persoalan menenai misteri gelap ini masih dianggap samar.Namun apa yang pasti ia benar-benar wujud dan mengisi di antara langi dan Bumi.

Itulah antara mukjizat dan kehebatan Al-Quran yang dibuktikan melalui sains.Perkara ini telah pun dijelaskan 1400 tahun yang lalu,tetapi ia hanya dapat diungkai oleh manusia pada abad ke-20.الله أكبر!!!

Sesungguhnya orang yang beriman itu ialah orang yang apabila disebutkan Allah akan gementar hati mereka, dan apabila dibacakan ayat-ayat-Nya (ayat-ayat Allah) akan bertambahlah iman mereka, dan kepada Rab (Tuhan) mereka bertawakal. ( Surah an-Anfal : Ayat 2 )

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Hukum Solat Jenazah untuk Orang Munafik&Kafir

berkaitan tajuk di atas,hukumnya HARAM!mengenai sifat mereka,Syeikh al-Albani berkata, "Mereka adalah orang yang patuh pada kekufuran dan membelakangi Islam.Dan kekafiran mereka dapat dlihat dari kata-kata mereka yang menghina dan merendahkan sebahagian hukum syariat,serta anggapan mereka bahawa hukum syariat itu bertentangan dengan akal dan perasaan.Dan sesungguhnya,Rabb kita S.W.T telah memberi isyarat akan hakikat ini dalam firman-Nya:

'Patutkan orang-orang(munafik) yang ada penyakit(syak,ragu-ragu) dalam hatinya menyangka bahawa Allah tidak sekali-kali akan mendedahkan perasaan dendam dan hasat dengki mereka(terhadap Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dan umatnya)? Dan sekiranya kami kehendaki,tentulah Kami akan memperkenalkan mereka kepadamu(wahai Muhammad),lalu engkau tetap mengenalinya dengan tanda-tanda(yang menjadi sifat) mereka dan demi sesungguhnya,engkau akan mengenali mereka dari gaya dan tutur katanya dan (ingatlah kamu masing-masing),Allah mengetahui segala yang kamu lakukan' (Surah Muhammad:29-30)

"Dan janganlah engkau sembahyangkan seorang pun yang mati dari orang-orang munafik itu selama-lamanya dan janganlah engkau berada di(tepi) kuburnya,kerana sesungguhnya mereka telah kufur kepada Allah dan RasulNya dan mereka mati sedang mereka dalam keadaan fasik(derhaka)." (Surah at-Taubah:84)
                                                         gambar sekadar hiasan

Iman an-Nawawi berkata,"Solat untuk orang kafir dan memohon keampunan untuknya adalah haram,berdasarkan nas al-Qur'an dan ijmak." (Muhyiddin an-Nawawi,al Majmu'j.v,m.s 144,257)

bagaimana sekiranya bagi mayat golongan munafiq yang tidak diketahui akan sifat nifaqnya itu??klik link bawah:

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15 Bentuk Awan Menakjubkan

Roll Cloud, Las Olas Beach, Uruguay | Photograph by Daniela Mirner Eberl

The skies have always been a constant source of fascination for humans. One common mass that everyone on the planet has seen in one form or another are clouds. They can come in all sizes, shapes, and colours; and their distinct formations have been studied by meteorologists for centuries. Below you will find a collection of 15 fascinating and incredible cloud formations. Enjoy!

1. Lenticular Clouds

Photograph by Josvandamme

Lenticular clouds (Altocumulus lenticularis) are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form at high altitudes, normally aligned perpendicular to the wind direction. Lenticular clouds can be separated into altocumulus standing lenticularis (ACSL), stratocumulus standing lenticular (SCSL), and cirrocumulus standing lenticular (CCSL). Due to their shape, they have been offered as an explanation for some Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) sightings.

Where stable moist air flows over a mountain or a range of mountains, a series of large-scale standing waves may form on the downwind side. If the temperature at the crest of the wave drops to the dew point, moisture in the air may condense to form lenticular clouds. As the moist air moves back down into the trough of the wave, the cloud may evaporate back into vapor. [Source: Wikipedia]

2. Undulatus asperatus

Photograph by brainiak005 on Reddit

Photograph by Agathman
Undulatus asperatus (or alternately, asperatus) is a cloud formation, proposed in 2009 as a separate cloud classification by the founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society. If successful it will be the first cloud formation added since cirrus intortus in 1951 to the International Cloud Atlas of the World Meteorological Organization. The name translates approximately as roughened or agitated waves

The clouds are most closely related to undulatus clouds.[3] Although they appear dark and storm-like, they tend to dissipate without a storm forming. The ominous-looking clouds have been particularly common in the Plains states of the United States, often during the morning or midday hours following convective thunderstorm activity. [Source: Wikipedia]

3. Noctilucent (night) clouds

Photograph by Martin Koitmae
Night clouds or noctilucent clouds are tenuous cloud-like phenomena that are the “ragged-edge” of a much brighter and pervasive polar cloud layer called polar mesospheric clouds in the upper atmosphere, visible in a deep twilight. They are made of crystals of water ice. The name means roughly night shining in Latin. They are most commonly observed in the summer months at latitudes between 50° and 70° north and south of the equator.

They are the highest clouds in the Earth’s atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 kilometres (47 to 53 mi). They are normally too faint to be seen, and are visible only when illuminated by sunlight from below the horizon while the lower layers of the atmosphere are in the Earth’s shadow. Noctilucent clouds are not fully understood and are a recently discovered meteorological phenomenon; there is no record of their observation before 1885.

Noctilucent clouds can form only under very restrictive conditions; their occurrence can be used as a sensitive guide to changes in the upper atmosphere. Since they are a relatively recent classification, the occurrence of noctilucent clouds appears to be increasing in frequency, brightness and extent. It is theorized that this increase is connected to climate change. [Source: Wikipedia]

4. Fallstreak Hole or Hole Punch Cloud

Photograph by H. Raab
A fallstreak hole, also known as a hole punch cloud, punch hole cloud, canal cloud or cloud hole, is a large circular gap that can appear in cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds. Such holes are formed when the water temperature in the clouds is below freezing but the water has not frozen yet due to the lack of ice nucleation particles.

When a portion of the water does start to freeze it will set off a domino effect, due to the Bergeron process, causing the water vapor around it to freeze and fall to the earth as well. This leaves a large, often circular, hole in the cloud. It is believed that a disruption in the stability of the cloud layer, such as that caused by a passing jet, may induce the domino process of evaporation which creates the hole. Such clouds are not unique to any one geographic area and have been photographed from the United States to Russia. Because of their rarity and unusual appearance, fallstreak holes are often mistaken for or attributed to unidentified flying objects. [Source: Wikipedia]

5. Mammatus clouds

Photograph by Matt Saal

Photograph by Derrich
Mammatus, also known as mammatocumulus (meaning “mammary cloud” or “breast cloud”), is a meteorological term applied to a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud. The name mammatus, derived from the Latin mamma (meaning “udder” or “breast”), refers to a resemblance between the characteristic shape of these clouds and the breast of a woman.

Mammatus are most often associated with the anvil cloud and also severe thunderstorms. They often extend from the base of a cumulonimbus, but may also be found under altocumulus, altostratus, stratocumulus, and cirrus clouds, as well as volcanic ash clouds. [Source: Wikipedia]

6. Wave Clouds

Photograph by Nanhosen

Photograph by NASA Satellite Image
A wave cloud is a cloud form created by atmospheric internal waves. The atmospheric internal waves that form wave clouds are created as stable air flows over a raised land feature such as a mountain range, and can form either directly above or in the lee of the feature. As an air mass travels through the wave, it undergoes repeated uplift and descent. If there is enough moisture in the atmosphere, clouds will form at the cooled crests of these waves. In the descending part of the wave, those clouds will evaporate due to adiabatic heating, leading to the characteristic clouded and clear bands. The cloud base on the leeward side is higher than on the windward side, because precipitation on the windward side removes water from the air.

It is possible that simple convection from mountain summits can also form wave clouds. This occurs as the convection forces a wave or lenticular wave cloud into the more stable air above. [Source: Wikipedia]

7. Cloud iridescence

Cloud iridescence is the occurrence of colors in a cloud similar to those seen in oil films on puddles, and is similar to irisation. It is a fairly uncommon phenomenon, most often observed in altocumulus, cirrocumulus and lenticular clouds, and very rarely in Cirrus clouds. The colors are usually pastel, but can be very vivid. Iridescence is generally produced near the sun, with the sun’s glare masking it, so it is more easily seen by hiding the sun behind a tree or building. Other aids are dark glasses, or observing the sky reflected in a convex mirror or in a pool of water.

Iridescent clouds are a diffraction phenomenon cause by small water droplets or small ice crystals individually scattering light. Larger ice crystals produce halos, which are a refraction phenomena rather than iridescence. Iridescence should similarly be distinguished from the refraction in larger raindrops that makes a rainbow.

If parts of clouds have small droplets or crystals of similar size, their cumulative effect is seen as colors. The cloud must be optically thin, so that most rays encounter only a single droplet. Iridescence is therefore mostly seen at cloud edges or in semi-transparent clouds, and newly forming clouds produce the brightest and most colorful iridescence. When a thin cloud has droplets of similar size over a large extent, the iridescence takes on the structured form of a corona, a central bright disk around the sun or moon surrounded by one or more colored rings. [Source: Wikipedia]

8. Roll clouds

A roll cloud is a low, horizontal, tube-shaped, and relatively rare type of arcus cloud. They differ from shelf clouds by being completely detached from other cloud features. Roll clouds usually appear to be “rolling” about a horizontal axis. They are a solitary wave called a soliton, which is a wave that has a single crest and moves without changing speed or shape.

One of the most famous frequent occurrences is the Morning Glory cloud in Queensland, Australia. One of the main causes of the Morning Glory cloud is the mesoscale circulation associated with sea breezes that develop over the Cape York peninsula and the Gulf of Carpentaria. However, similar features can be created by downdrafts from thunderstorms and are not exclusively associated with coastal regions.

Coastal roll clouds have been seen over California, the English Channel, Shetland Islands, Lithuania, Eastern Russia, other maritime regions of Australia, off the Mexican coast in the Sea of Cortez, Uruguay, in the Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia and Ontario, and Campos dos Goytacazes and Coronel Vivida bay in Brazil. [Source: Wikipedia]

9. Shelf clouds

Photograph by John Kerstholt
A shelf cloud is a low, horizontal, wedge-shaped arcus cloud. A shelf cloud is attached to the base of the parent cloud, which is usually a thunderstorm. Rising cloud motion often can be seen in the leading (outer) part of the shelf cloud, while the underside often appears turbulent and wind-torn. Cool, sinking air from a storm cloud’s downdraft spreads out across the land surface, with the leading edge called a gust front. This outflow cuts under warm air being drawn into the storm’s updraft. As the lower cooler air lifts the warm moist air, its water condenses, creating a cloud which often rolls with the different winds above and below (wind shear).

People seeing a shelf cloud may believe they have seen a wall cloud. This is a likely mistake, since an approaching shelf cloud appears to form a wall made of cloud. A shelf cloud usually appears on the leading edge of a storm, and a wall cloud will usually be at the rear of the storm. [Source: Wikipedia]

10. Pyrocumulus cloud

Photograph by Gayle Jones
A pyrocumulus, or fire cloud, is a dense cumuliform cloud associated with fire or volcanic activity. A pyrocumulus is similar dynamically in some ways to a firestorm, and the two phenomena may occur in conjunction with each other. However, one may occur without the other. A pyrocumulus cloud is produced by the intense heating of the air from the surface.

The intense heat induces convection which causes the air mass to rise to a point of stability, usually in the presence of moisture. Phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and occasionally industrial activities can induce formation of this cloud. The detonation of a nuclear weapon in the atmosphere will also produce a pyrocumulus in the form of a mushroom cloud which is made by the same mechanism. The presence of a low level jet stream can enhance its formation. Condensation of ambient moisture (moisture already present in the atmosphere) as well as moisture evaporated from burnt vegetation or volcanic outgassing occurs readily on particles of ash. [Source: Wikipedia]

11. Wave windows

Photograph by Dhaluza
In meteorology, lee waves are atmospheric standing waves. Both lee waves and the rotor may be indicated by specific wave cloud formations if there is sufficient moisture in the atmosphere, and sufficient vertical displacement to cool the air to the dew point. Waves may also form in dry air without cloud markers. Wave clouds do not move downwind as clouds usually do, but remain fixed in position relative to the obstruction that forms them.

Adiabatic compression heating in the trough of each wave oscillation may evaporate cumulus or stratus clouds in the airmass, creating a “wave window” or “Foehn gap” [Source: Wikipedia].

12. Actinoform clouds

Photograph by NASA
An actinoform or actiniform cloud is a collection of marine low clouds that takes a distinct shape. They are named after the Greek word for “ray” due to their radial structure. Actinoform clouds can spread out over 300 kilometers (190 mi) across and thus cannot be easily seen with the naked eye. In addition, actinoform clouds can form “trains” that are up to six times the length of the original cloud field, yet they maintain their own, distinct identity.

In a satellite image, they look like distinct leaf-like or spokes-on-a-wheel patterns that stand out from the rest of the low-lying cloud field. However, why they have this shape or how they are formed is not known, but recent evidence suggests that the interaction of both radiation and precipitation may help to organize them on the mesoscale. The individual convective cells that collectively make up an actinoform cloud are quite shallow, with heights generally less than 2 km, and would be classified as stratocumulus clouds by an observer on the ground. Given the extensive mesoscale organization of these clouds, it is appropriate to describe them as mesoscale stratocumulus cloud systems (MSCS) in analogy with their deeper counterpart, the Mesoscale convective system. [Source: Wikipedia]

13. Polar stratospheric (nacerous) clouds

Photograph by Alan Light
Polar stratospheric clouds or PSCs, also known as nacreous clouds, are clouds in the winter polar stratosphere at altitudes of 15,000–25,000 meters (49,000–82,000 ft). They are implicated in the formation of ozone holes; their effects on ozone depletion arise because they support chemical reactions that produce active chlorine which catalyzes ozone destruction, and also because they remove gaseous nitric acid, perturbing nitrogen and chlorine cycles in a way which increases ozone destruction.

The stratosphere is very dry; unlike the troposphere, it rarely allows clouds to form. In the extreme cold of the polar winter, however, stratospheric clouds of different types may form, which are classified according to their physical state and chemical composition. [Source: Wikipedia]

14. Pileus (scarf/cap) clouds

Photograph by NASA
A pileus, also called scarf cloud or cap cloud, is a small, horizontal, altostratus cloud that can appear above a cumulus or cumulonimbus cloud, giving the parent cloud a characteristic “hoodlike” appearance. They are formed by strong updrafts acting upon moist air at lower altitudes, causing the air to cool to its dew point. As such, they are usually indicators of severe weather, and a pileus found atop a cumulus cloud often foreshadows transformation into a cumulonimbus cloud, as it indicates a strong updraft within the cloud.

Clouds that are attached to pilei are often given the suffix “pileus” or “with pileus”. For example, a cumulonimbus cloud with a pileus attached to it would be called “cumulonimbus with pileus”. Pilei can also form above ash clouds and pyrocumulus clouds from erupting volcanoes (see the image above). They can also form above some mushroom clouds of high-yield nuclear detonations; in that context they are called ice caps. [Source: Wikipedia]

15. Morning Glory Clouds

Photograph by Mick Petroff
The Morning Glory cloud is a rare meteorological phenomenon occasionally observed in different locations around the world. The southern part of Northern Australia’s Gulf of Carpentaria is the only known location where it can be predicted and observed on a more or less regular basis. The settlement of Burketown attracts glider pilots intent on riding this phenomenon.

Morning Glory clouds can most often be observed in Burketown in September to mid-November, when the chance to see it early in the morning is approximately 40%. A Morning Glory cloud is a roll cloud that can be up to 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) long, 1 to 2 kilometres (0.62 to 1.2 mi) high, often only 100 to 200 metres (330 to 660 ft) above the ground and can move at speeds up to 60 kilometres (37 mi) per hour. Sometimes there is only one cloud, sometimes there are up to eight consecutive roll clouds.

The Morning Glory is often accompanied by sudden wind squalls, intense low-level wind shear, a rapid increase in the vertical displacement of air parcels, and a sharp pressure jump at the surface. In the front of the cloud, there is strong vertical motion that transports air up through the cloud and creates the rolling appearance, while the air in the middle and rear of the cloud becomes turbulent and sinks. The cloud can also be described as a solitary wave or a soliton, which is a wave that has a single crest and moves without changing speed or shape. [Source: Wikipedia]

planet menakjubkan

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Brilliant Light Sculptures by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Makoto Tojiki is an artist and designer who uses light as his primary medium of expression. Tojiki, a 1998 industrial design engineering graduate of Kinki University, devoted his personal time to experimenting with light while employed as an industrial designer. In 2003, he launched his career as a full-time artist. Early on, Tojiki produced small works intended for production but found this limiting and branched out into artistic images of objects constructed from light, as well as jewelry that involves light reflection, such as diamonds.
1975: Born in Miyazaki, Japan.
1998: Graduated Kinki University Kyushu faculty of engineering industrial design.
1998-2003: Inhouse designer. (Home electric appliances)
2003: Established MAKOTO TOJIKI DESIGN.
2008: Lives and works in Yokohama, Japan.
His most recent “No Shadow” series (featured below) is inspired by the interconnectedness of light and shadow and how they can be manipulated and controlled. Tojiki begins his creative process by breaking down the light and the shadow to capture the essence of their symbiosis resulting in fleeting images that are as ephemeral and enigmatic as shadow itself. [Source]
Sometimes an object appears differently from how we remember it to be. Yet, this is often not because the object itself has changed, but it is caused by a change in the observer’s perspective. This change may also be related to, and expressive of, the object’s essence.

My interest is in exploring, “When, and for what reason, does a person’s perception of an object change?” Through my work, I seek to stimulate how people see objects. By extracting its essence, I seek to express that which lies at an object’s core.

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki

Artwork by Makoto Tojiki
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Pasir Tertinggi di Eropah The Great Dune of Pyla

Photograph by Larrousiney

Photograph by Mtu33260

The Great Dune of Pyla (or Pilat) is the tallest sand dune in Europe. It is located in La Teste-de-Buch in the Arcachon Bay area, France, 60 km from Bordeaux. Pilat is often spelled Pyla, hence the alternative name “dune of Pyla”. More accurately, Pyla is the name of the closest town, Pyla-sur-Mer, which is part of La Teste-de-Buch municipality in the Gironde department. The correct and original name of the dune is the Dune of Pilat, but because of the confusion that occurred, both are now considered correct.
The dune has a volume of about 60,000,000 m³, measuring around 500 meters wide (547 yards) from east to west and 3 kilometers in length (1.86 miles) from north to south. Its height is 107 metres (351 feet) above sea level. The dune is a famous tourist destination with more than one million visitors per year.
The dune is considered a foredune, meaning a dune that runs parallel to a shoreline, behind the high tide line of a beach. The dune has been observed to move landward, slowly pushing the forest back to cover houses, roads and even portions of the Atlantic Wall. To back this evidence of coastal movement, maps from 1708 and 1786 both place areas with the name Pilat to the south and off-shore of the current dune’s location. The area where the dune currently stands was referred to “Les Sabloneys” or the “New Sands” until the 1930′s when it was renamed by real estate developers as the Dune of Pilat. The Dune of Pyla is a recent modernization of the term. Pilat originates from the Gascon word Pilhar, which refers to a heap or mound. [Source: Wikipedia]
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Jambatan Sungai Yang Unik

Sebuah jambatan dibina dalam berkedudukan ti tengah-tengah laluan sebatan sungai. Laluan ini bagaimanapun selamat dlalui kerana paras asir sungai sentiasa dikawal oleh pihak berwajib.
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Kebiasaannya kita melihat jambatan direka khas untuk merentasi sungai. Malah kedudukan jambatan tersebut terletak di atas batang sungai tersebut. Tetapi lain pula di sini, sebuah jambatan pelik telah direka khas sebagai jambatan yang menyusuri laluan di tengah-tengah sungai. Apa yang membuatkan kami tertanya-tanya, bagaimanalah jika tiba-tiba air sungai naik atau melimpah, sudah tentu laluan tersebut akan banjir.  Kalau tidak percaya, jom layan gambar jambatan pelik di bawah ini. - Yang tak tahannya, kebiasaannya kita tengok jambatan berada diatas tinggi dari paras air sungai. Tetapi jambatan pelik ini berada didalam sungai dan sama paras dengan air sungai.Nampak seperti jambatan itu membelah sungai. Hebat!

Sumber: Baik Punyer | Koleksi Karya Kreatif
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